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KPHE Membership Application


Please enter both parents first names.
Please enter your last name.
ie. Abeka, Sonlight, Teaching Text books for Math, etc.
Use 0 for Kindergarten or Pre-Kindergarten.
Use 0 for Kindergarten or Pre-Kindergarten.
Use 0 for Kindergarten or Pre-Kindergarten.
Use 0 for Kindergarten or Pre-Kindergarten.
Use 0 for Kindergarten or Pre-Kindergarten.
Use 0 for Kindergarten or Pre-Kindergarten.
Use 0 for Kindergarten or Pre-Kindergarten.

Code of Conduct

Parents are not only responsible for their children's education, but also for their conduct in group situations, exhibiting respect for other people and their property. While attending KPHE functions all persons should dress appropriately, shorts should be no more than 4" above the knee when standing, no sleeveless shirts or tops, and no midriffs or cleavage showing. I understand that after two (2) warnings about improper conduct, or improper apparel, my child may be asked to leave the activity he / she is participating in for the year. My completion of this form indicates that I have read and understand this code of conduct.

Clicking the submit button will allow you to sumbit payment via paypal or a credit/debit card. Membership is $20.00 per family per year (September - August).